Monday, October 10, 2011

Split Life

Here I am, sitting at a coffee shop on Queen Anne Hill in Seattle (It's Starbucks, I felt uncreative). Something inside of me feels very grown up, and I suppose I'm getting there. However, there's that other part of me that's feeling very, very young. I suppose that's the part of me that's trying to read and comprehend Tocqueville's writing and the Federalist Papers, and really wordy essays about ecology and theology (it's not quite as impressive as it sounds), and learning difficult piano pieces, and trying to live on a floor with 30 other girls, and the part of me that misses home and my parents (geez, someone should teach this college student about run-on sentences). All of this learning, both socially and intellectually, is actually quite "fun" and interesting, but it's really showing me how someone can feel split down the middle. Split between enjoying school and getting frustrated it, between loving the experience of this new time in my life and missing home, and between feeling so old and very young.


  1. Bless you, Amanda. In my experience, what you're feeling is normal. :-)

    I now know better how to pray for you.

    With love to you.

  2. It's totally normal to feel how you feel! And you will feel that pull in different directions lots of different times though your life as seasons change. Just embrace what God is calling you to now and know everyone here at home LOVES you and is PRAYING for you! Love, love, LOVE!

  3. I'll bet Jill had many of those same feelings. I hope she gets to read this from time to time. Keep writing, it will help you clarify and focus your feelings. Love, Gran
